Today Harrison posted an announcement on Facebook: they were offering a huge discount on Harrison Mixbus 10. So I rushed over to the website to upgrade my current Mixbus 8.x to 10.x
I have been using Harrison Mixbus for several years now, ever since version 6, at my home studio. But the installation of the Linux version of Mixbus isn’t straight forward.
Harrison Mixbus on Linux
Harrison Mixbus is one of the best recording programs you can get on Linux. There’s also it’s little “twin brother”, Ardour, of course and I have been using that a lot in the past. They share a lot of code. But Mixbus really is something special.
To install Harrison Mixbus on Linux you will need to go into the terminal and lot’s of linux users these days don’t know how to install a program using the terminal. That’s one of the con’s of making Linux so user friendly; more and more users only use it as if it’s some sort of free Windows 😉
So, I created a little video on how to install Harrison Mixbus on Linux Mint or Ubuntu (installation commands in the video and below it).
Commands you need to enter from the therminal (depending on the version/filename you download).
Open your terminal (see video)
Commands you need to enter from the therminal (depending on the version/filename you download).
Make file writeble using:
chmod +x Mixbus-10.2.3-x86_64.run2
Run installation:
The demoversion can be used but it’s got it’s limitations. I suggest to buy it. At the moment it’s only $15 but I suspect it will soon be back on it’s regular price. It’s totaly worth it’s money!